
Showing posts from October, 2012

Made My Day :))

It was a nice day i sat down out there in a nice garden waiting for my little sister to finish her classes so that we can go home together after which i can  have lunch & go to meet my friends :) . I spent my time reading a book , a very interesting book i bought 3 weeks ago that i should write about  soon God willing , i kept reading, turning  pages over & over,  i changed my seat  as there were boys smoking so i could not tolerate the smell , i found my self a place away from them next to a very nice girl that sat down  there for the same reason ........... to get some fresh air :D . Two girls came by & said hi  they were her friends , i smiled &  looked back at the page that i was reading suddenly  , i heard one of them speaking Arabic but not in the Egyptian dialect , !! :) i loved it :)  earlier on that day ,  i found out that there was a Saudi student around ,  i could know that  by hearing his dialect :) ,  any way ,  i looked up at her with a smile & said

حبيبي :)

و الله ما أدري كيف أوصف وش كثر أحبك : ) كبرت و كبر معي قلبي الصغير على ذكرك و الله ما لقيت بين الرجال من هو مثلك يقولون من هو حبيبك  ؟ , أقول حبيبي مكانه فوق هام السحاب عالي يقولون وش اسمه ؟ , أقولهم اسم مرتبط بالحمد اسم موصول بالمجد اسم من وصل شأنه للمعالي يقولون وش نسبه ؟ , أقول من بين أنساب العرب نسب عزيز كريم و غالي يقولون اشلون شكله  ؟ , قلت بدر كامل ينور في أحلك الليالي يقولون و ين ساكن  ؟ , أقول مكانه في القلب موجود , عرش تربع في ثناياه , فداه أبي و أمي و عزيز مالي . حبيبي  , اسمه محمد بن عبد الله من بني هاشم  من نسب عدنان من بني اسماعيل بن ابراهيم الخليل               


Life is too short so be a good person and do not let good words lingering on your lips for so long :) if you have something good to say just say it before it's too late, and if you have the opposite, just remain silent forever . Make your family smile,  nothing in the world can be compared to a moment of laughter and joy with them :) :D , so just go for it, just be yourself:) . Let those  pearly whites show up  :) for God's sake smile, laugh your heart out :) tell them that you love them do not be shy of it do not be cold or proud you will surely regret being that one day when they are not around any more :( . Embrace your fears accept them, accept your sorrow and sadness as  no one is perfect :)  cry your heart out if you want to,  do not let any feelings prisoned in that beating organ in a hard narrow bony cage, cry, weep ......... let your tears wash them away . How i wish i  said many things to many people but my stubborn pride was always holding me b

بئس العبد........ .................................

بئس القلب قلب شغله حب العباد عن حب رب العباد بئس الحب حب طائش متعلق بحبال اوهام بالية بئس العشق عشق من لا يلقي لك بالا , عشق ينسيك عشق سيدك الذي يعلم سرك و جهرك و هو أقرب اليك من حبل الوريد بئس العبرة عبرة ذرفتها عينيك شوقا للخلق و لم تذرف شوقا للقاء الخالق بئس الفكر فكر شغله ذكر البشر عن ذكر خالق البشر بئس العبد عبد سهر ليلة حتى ذبلت عيناه يفكر في من لا يملك له و لا حتى لنفسه ضرا و لا نفعا .............................و غفل عن من اذا أراد شيئا فانما يقول له كن فيكون بئس العقل عقل لم يزجرك عن الافتتان بدنيا فانية تشغلك عن آخرة دائمة باقية ...................   يقول أبو العتاهية رحمه الله   أُجَنُّ بِزَهرَةِ الدُنيا جُنوناً وَأُفني العُمرَ فيها بِالتَمَنّي وَبَينَ يَدَيَّ مُحتَبَسٌ طَويلٌ كَأَنّي قَد دُعيتُ لَهُ كَأَنّي وَلَو أَنّي صَدَقتُ الزُهدَ فيها قَلَبتُ لاهلِها ظَهرَ المِجَنِّ   ربنا لا تزغ قلوبنا بعد اذ هديتنا يا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلوبنا على دينك ربنا ظلمنا أنفسنا و ان لم تغفر لنا و ترحمنا لنكونن من الخاسرين .............  

Primers of LIFE :) :D !!!!

 I  am not a native English speaker &  as a dental student i only knew the word  (Primer )  through adhesive restoratin lectures  :D , so i had to google the word as i wanted to write about thoughts crossing my mind  when i hear that word :) that  is a note i wrote  a few months ago about my perspective  regarding that word & what it really means to me :) This is the Wikipedia definition of primer as a PAINT : Primer is a paint product that allows finishing paint to adhere much better than if it were used alone. For this purpose, primer is designed to adhere to surfaces and to form a binding layer that is better prepared to receive the paint . The word is also used in a cosmetic point of view for the skin primer and eye shadow , or in amedical article one can find " heart attack primers" . or of course the primer we use before applying our composite restoration in Dental practice :D ! whatever PAINT, skin, symptom,composite :)  :D , here i mean PRIMERS

Dream land in the Holy places part 1 (written at the Grand mosque in Mekka ) :)

    It is like a dream coming true every single time i go in i find the glory of the past & hopes for the future . Beautiful,peaceful & charming place where i can feel safe more than i do in my own home, water is found everywhere so i can not get thirsty , you can find brothers & sisters offering you dates,some  tea, some cofee , tissues all for free, when you are  circling  the kaaba if it is hot out there you find them  standing there spraying water at you so  you can cool down & tolerate the heat they are just standing there for you to help out :)  , if someone  was injured you find them hurrying out rushing of their feet  at him offering help even if they do not understand a word he is saying for example ,  you find people from Turkey helping out Egyptians & believe me we can not understand each other but we can feel each other's pain  :) tawaf ( circling  the Kaaba )  Birds are tweeting all around & people reciting the holy  Qur'