
Showing posts from 2015

Aho Dali Sar - Old Egyptian Song

An old song written by the famous Egyptian writer and poet Badie Khairy and compsed by the famous Egyptian Musician Sayed Darwish . Aho Dali Sar means this is what happened. It discusses occupation, poverty, dispossesion, unity and the need to work together for a better future. This version is performed by Ali El Haggar : Lyrics in Arabic : أهو دا اللى صار و أدي اللي كان مالكش حق مالكش حق تلوم عليا تلوم عليا ازاي يا سيدنا و خير بلادنا ماهوش فى ادنا قولي عن أشياء تفدنا و بعدها بقى لوم عليا مصر يا ام العجايب شعبك اصيل و الخصم عايب خلي بالك م الحبايب دول أنصار القضية بدال ما يشمت فينا حاسد إيدك فى إيدي نقوم نجاهد واحنا نبقى الكل واحد والأيادي تصير قويه  English Translation : This is what happened, and this is what took place, you have no right to blame me. How can you blame us our master, when our country's resources are not in our hands? Give us some useful solutions, and blame us afterwards if we don't follo...

Satire is no joke for Egypt's Jon Stewart


Classical Arabic Music from Kuwait - She came to Visit

A beautiful performance. She came to vist while al of the night's stars are watching over her She is so charming and her whipsers are like magic  

Ibn Zaydun's Poetry in Arabic Calligraphy

Ibn Zaydun's Poetry in Arabic Calligraphy :  "When you are absent, I cannot be consoled, but when you appear, all my troubles fly away, as If I have the whole humanity by my side"   "When you are absent, I cannot be consoled, but when you appear, all my troubles fly away, as If I have the whole humanity by my side" "When you are absent, I cannot be consoled"  

I Weep Over Syria - Cover

A sad song for the suffering of Syria.  

The Forgotten UDHR

The Forgotten Universal Declaration of Human Rights Eleanor Roosevelt with the Spanish version of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 1. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.   Article 2. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.   Article 3. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. ...

To My Beloved I Send A Greeting of Peace

A Beautiful Andalusian song with the rich voice of the Moroccan singer Samira Kadiri with Ensemble Arabesque. Here you can read the Lyrics of the song in Arabic: لِحَبِيبِي أرْسِلْ سَلامْ كُلَّ وَقْتٍ عَسَى يَجُودْ بِوِصَالِ الـمُسْتَهَامْ عَلَى رَغْمِ أنْفِ الحَسُودْ ونَقُولْ يَا بَدْرَ التمَامْ أنْتَ سُؤلِي بَيْنَ الوُجُودْ يَا غَزَالِي وَبُغْيَتِي قَدْ شُغِفْتُ بِذَا الغَرَامْ يَا مُنَائِي ورَاحَتِي مِنْ مُحِبَّكْ ألْف سَلامْ Tried my best to translate it: To my beloved I send a greeting of peace, All the time, maybe he will show me some kindness, By being with the one who got lost in you, despite those who envy you two.  And I keep saying oh full moon (my love) you're everything I want in this universe ...

I Conceal my Love ...... أخفي الهوى

Two songs based on an old mystic poem in Arabic. The poem is by Ibn Al-Farid  ( `Umar ibn `Alī ibn al-Fārid ) (1181–1235 CE) I conceal my love and yet my tears reveal it And I kill it, yet  my longing brings it back to life And the one torturing me out of loving him is of good character, graceful and beautiful in every way. His beauty is like the Surah of Joseph and my sadness is like his father's. If the lovers dismissed my deep love for you, then I'm love, its son & father. Here is another part of the same poem : I conceal my love and yet my tears reveal it And I kill it, yet  my longing brings it back to life And the one torturing me out of loving him is of good character, graceful and is beautiful in every way. Oh you who is burning with fire the face of the one who loves you, my tears will put the fire away. Burn with it my body and all of my senses, but take care of my heart because you reside in it. ...

Music of An Old Andalusian song

A Melody of an old Andalusian song called  Li Habibi Orsil Salam ( To my Beloved I send A Greeting of Peace ) لحبيبي أرسل سلام  

Peace - Salaam - سلام

A Beautiful song based on an Arabic poem from the 1920s by Ebrahim Hosny Mirza.   بعثنا مع النسيم سلاما للحبيب الجميل حيث أقاما وسمعنا الطيور في الروض تشدو فنقلنا عن الطيور كلاما خافقات تدق من ألم الوجد نشيدا فتحسن الأنغاما We sent with the breeze our greetings of peace To the beautiful loved one wherever he might be settled And we heard birds singing beautifully in the green lands By the bird's singing we are delivering a message of love and peace My heart beats with the pain of ecstacy Shaping them into songs of beautiful melodies  The Guitar & Bass Composing is by Mohab Omer. The vocal Composing, Oud playing and Singing are by Abdulrahman Mohammed.  

Qolt Lamma - An Old Song from Aleppo

An old poem from Aleppo,Syria. The lyrics and the original melody were composed by Omar Al Batsh back in 1947. Omar Al Batsh (1885-1950) الموشح هو من تلحين ونظم المرحوم الشيخ عمر البطش الحلبي My translation doesn't do it justice but I tried my best.     نظم الموشح :   قلت لما غاب عني .. نور مرآك المصون شفني والله سقم .. ....فيه قد ذقت المنون وعيوني من نحيبي ... جاريات كالعيون وجفوني ما كفاها ..... ما جرى حتى جفون هام قلبي زاد وجدي ... فمتى وصلك يكون   غاب عن عيني ضياها ... يا قمر دار العيون When I became apart from seeing the light of your beauty & grace, I swear to God I fell ill afterwards and almost tasted death My eyes out of crying over you were full of tears like water springs, till they withered. My heart got lost, my love for you is overwhelming, when would I be able to reach you ? Light has left my eyes, Light has left my eyes .... Oh beautiful moon ( my love ) hide your captivating charming eyes. ****...

Your Love Is Entwined with My Breath

This beautiful soundtrack is made of an old poem in Arabic that was written more than 1000 years ago by Mansour Al Hallaj, with modern music composed by Omar Khairat. الكلمات : و الله ما طلعت شمسٌ ولا غربت إلا و حبّـك مقـرون بأنفاسـي ولا خلوتُ إلى قوم أحدّثهــم إلا و أنت حديثي بين جلاســي ولا ذكرتك محزوناً و لا فَرِحا إلا و أنت بقلبي بين وسواســـي ولا هممت بشرب الماء من عطش إلا رَأَيْتُ خيالاً منك في الكـــأس ولو قدرتُ على الإتيان جئتـُكم سعياً على الوجه .. أو مشياً على الرأس ويا فتى الحيّ إن غّنيت لي طربا فغّنـني وأسفا من قلبك القاســـي ما لي وللناس كم يلحونني سفها ديني لنفسي .. و دين الناس للنـــاس   English translation of the lyrics: I swear to God, the sun has never risen or set without Your love being entwined with my breath; Neither have I confided in anyone except to talk about You. Never have I mentioned Your name in gladness or in sorrow, Unless You were in my heart, wedged in my obsessive thoughts. Nor h...

The Monument of The Lovers - Cordoba, Spain

The sculpture of the hands of Ibn Zaydun and Wallada was placed in the plaza known as El Campo Santo de los Mártires in Cordoba, Spain in 1971, to commemorate the 900th anniversary of the love story of the great Andalusian poet Ibn Zaydun ( Cordoba, 1003 - Seville, 1071 ) and Princess Wallada (born in Cordoba in 1001 - died March 26, 1091) also a famous Andalusian poet. The monument is part of the Historic Centre of Cordoba which was considered by the UNESCO to be a world heritage site in 1996. In memory of this lost love,  one can read on the marble monument poetry verses by each poet, which appear in  both Castilian and Arabic: Here is a close up of the marble inscriptions : "أغارُ عليكَ من عيني ومني ومنكَ، ومن زمانكَ والمكانِ ولو أني خَبَـأتُكَ في عُيـوني إلى يوم القيامة مـا كــــفاني" « Tengo celos de mis ojos, de mí toda, de ti mismo, de tu tiempo y lugar. Aún grabado tú en mis pupilas, ...

If I had two Hearts - A Song for Al Farabi Band

This song is based on a 1300 year old love poem in Arabic.   Listen to If I Had Two Hearts -AlFarabi لو كان لي قلبان - الفارابى on #SoundCloud Here is the English translation of the Lyrics : If I had two hearts I'd live with one of them and let the other to be tortured by your love but I only have one heart owned by love Neither pleased by living nor that death is near like a little bird in the hands of a child insulting it suffering from the torment of death while the child plays neither is the child's aware of its suffering Nor the wings of the Bird are free, that it can fly - Qays Ibn Al Mulawwah (645-688 CE)  

Jerusalem - Zahrat Al Mada'en

        Jerusalem, The Flower of All Cities. Lyrics : ... It is for you O city of the prayer that I pray It is for you O splendid home, O flower of the cities O Jerusalem O Jerusalem O Jerusalem O city of the prayer Our eyes are set out to you everyday They walk through the porticos of the temples (synagogues) Embrace of the old churches And take the sadness away from the mosques O night of Al asra O path of those who left for the sky Our eyes are set out to you everyday and I pray The child is in the cave and his mother is Mary two faces crying For those who were exiled For children without houses For those who defended their homeland and were martyred at the gates And the peace was martyred in the homeland of the peace And the justice tumbled at the gates of the city   When The city of Jerusalem city fell Love retreated and in the hearts of the world the war was settled The child is in the cave ...

Arabic Calligraphy & Poetry - Perfect Combination!

Swift steeds, dreary nights, and the desolate wasteland, all know me full well As do the sword, the spear, the writing paper and the pen I kept lonely company with beasts of the wilderness Amazing thereby mounts and mounds. - Al-Mutanabbi (915 – 23 September 965CE)

Omar Bashir Music - Live in Budapest 2010

Omar Bashir :Love and Peace  composed by Munir Bashir  Live in Budapest 2010 Omar Bashir Live Concert in Budapest The Crazy Oud Tour 2010.. Imorovisation with Percussion Omar Bashir was born in Budapest in 1970, and started playing the oud with his father at the age of five. He joined the Baghdad Music and Ballet School and eventually created his own band, which toured in many countries. In 1991, he left for Budapest and joined the Franz Liszt Academy. Omar performed as a soloist and with his father Munir until his death in 1997. During his career, he toured many countries and released more than 19 albums. His music is a mix of traditional Arabic music with a jazz-like improvisation. )  

The Drink of Love - Egyptian Project

An old Sufi love poem sung by an Egyptian band. The Lyrics of the song in Arabic : متى يا كرام الحي عيني تراكم وأسمع من تلك الديار نداكم سقاني الغرام كأساً من الحب صافياً ياليته لما سقاني سقاكم أمرّ على الأبواب من غير حاجة لعلي أراكم أو أرى من يراكم سقاني الغرام .. سقانى الهوى كأساً من الحب صافياً ياليته لما سقاني سقاكم The English Translation : When, O honorable people in the neighborhood, would my eye see you?  And when would I hear your call from those places?  Adoration has given me a drink of Love that is pure. I wish it gave you the same drink I've been given. I pass by doors without aim, except for hoping to see you or someone who sees you. Do not bury me on a meadow, rather on a high mountain where I could always allow my eyes to see you. The lyrics are from a poem by Abu Madyan (1126–1198 CE) who was an influential Andalusian mystic. The words are so classy & elegant as the poet is referring to his loved one...

A sparrow stood at my window - A Song from Lebanon

This is one of the popular songs in Arab countries sung in a sweet lebanese dialect & a beautiful voice.  Dedicated to the Palestinian children, dedicated to all of the administrative detention prisoners in the Israeli prisons...... Dedicated to every single oppressed & imprisoned human being.. عصفور طل من الشباك   عصفور طل من الشباك وقلي يا نو نو خبيني عندك...خبيني دخلك يا نو نو خبيني عندك...خبيني دخلك يا نو نو قلتله إنت من وين قلي من حدود السماء قلتله جاي من وين قلي من بيت الجيران قلتله خايف من مين قلي من القفص هربان قلتله ريشاتك وين قلي فرفطها الزمان عصفور طل من الشباك وقلي يا نو نو خبيني عندك... خبيني دخلك يا نونو * * * نزلت على خده دمعة وجناحاته مدكية واتهدى بالأرض وقال بدي أمشي وما فييّ ضميتو على قلبي وصار يتوجع على جروحاته قبل ما يكسر الحبس كسر صوته وجناحاته قلتله إنت من وين قلي من حدود السماء قلتله جاي من وين قلي من بيت الجيران قلتله خايف من مين قلي من القفص هربان قلتله ريشاتك وين قلي ف...

Jerusalem, The Flower of All Cities

An Arabic song about the city of Jerusalem with English subtitles. The song is by the widely admired and respected Lebanese singer, lady Fairuz . Here is the original music video of the song from 1967  : Jerusalem, The Flower of All Cities. Lyrics : ... It is for you O city of the prayer that I pray It is for you O splendid home, O flower of the cities O Jerusalem O Jerusalem O Jerusalem O city of the prayer Our eyes are set out to you everyday They walk through the porticos of the temples (synagogues) Embrace of the old churches And take the sadness away from the mosques O night of Al asra O path of those who left for the sky Our eyes are set out to you everyday and I pray The child is in the cave and his mother is Mary two faces crying For those who were exiled For children without houses For those who defended their homeland and were martyred at the gates And the peace was martyred in the homeland of the peace ...

Farewell to The World - By Imam Al Shafe'i

This is a poem by Imam Al Shafe'i  (767 — 820 CE) Here is the original poem in Arabic :     اذا المرء لا يرعاك الا تكلفا                                                                                    فدعه ولا تكثر عليه التاسفا                                                          ...

The Chambers of My Heart - Al Mutanabbi

My translation does not do it justice :   Tell my dear beloved who lives in the chambers of my heart, That even if I don't meet him, I still meet him And that my sight is connected to seeing him... Even if our dwellings are far away from one another I hope he realizes that I don't remember him As how can I remember him if I can't forget him in the first place? O you who thought that I don't remember him And God knows that I never forget about him If he is away from me, my soul is his home So how possibly could the heart forget who lives in the soul?   - Al-Mutanabbi  (915 – 23 September 965)   Here is a recitation of the poem in Arabic :       And  h ere is the original poem in Arabic :                                   ...