I Am in Pain............................

Here is a picture i  came across. Reading the words of the poem written there brought tears to my eyes.

Finding this one  just summed up what i have been dying to say for a long long time in a beautiful & concise way.

It Says :

I'm not Afraid to lose a position
Neither am i bowing in front of a chair ( of a governer )
I'm not chanting for Sisi, neither am i swearing by Morsi's sake.

I'm the one oppressed cause of your greed
I'm the one imprisoned in every step you make
I live my whole life listening to you
And my death to you is just a game ......that keeps you alive*..............

I'm the one standing all my life in a long line*
I go to sleep & dream that i live a peaceful life
Years & years go by,
And i think maybe one day it will be my turn to live a better life..........

I keep my screams of agony  to myself
And i see all your true faces behind your masks
You live all your lives chanting about my misery (i.e. to take political advantage of my plight )
And my misery & suffering has never really hurt you ......................

1-* The death of the poor people is just something that the filthy elites in Politics take advantage of .
2-* The long line means the long lines people stand in to buy their bread, petrol, see a doctor, finish their paper work, get a job & even wait to take a bus to drive them home.

Don't know who wrote those words .................but they are just Brilliant!
I'm still hoping for a better tomorrow   :)


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