NATIONAL ANTHEM OF EGYPT (1923-1936) Eslami ya Misr "Be safe O Egypt"

Eslami ya Misr "Be safe O Egypt"

This was the national anthem of Egypt (Misr) from 1923 to 1936.This anthem is the first national anthem for a modern independent Egypt  ( The Kingdom of Egypt ) .
Written by :  the Egyptian poet,  Mustafa Saadeq Al Rafe'ie  .
The music is composed by :  Safar Ali .
The flag in the background used to be the Flag of Egypt from (1923 - 1958 )

Translation :

Be safe O Egypt, I will sacrifice
There is my hand for you, if the world raised a hand [to hurt you]

Never you shall yield, ever
I am hoping for tomorrow [to be better]

My heart and my determination are with me for strife
And to my heart, O Egypt, you are a faith, in addition to my religion

Safety for you, O Egypt
And Peace, O my homeland

If the world threw their arrows [at you]
I will shield you by my heart
And be safe in all times

I am an Egyptian, built by who built the ..
everlasting pyramid, that defeated doom

The pyramids stand beside us
Against the world's arrogance, is as my stand

In my defence and jihad for my country
I do not turn away nor get tired neither yield

Safety for you, O Egypt
And Peace, O my homeland

If the world threw their arrows [at you]
I will shield you by my heart
And be safe in all times

Hey you who are trying to chain our orbits
There is no star in the sky is under your control

The homeland of freemen is a sky that can not be possessed
And the freemen owned it to its horizons

There is no enemy can attack you, O land of Egypt
We are all for your protection

Safety for you, O Egypt
And Peace, O my homeland

If the world threw their arrows [at you]
I will shield you by my heart
And be safe in all times

To highness, O sons of Egypt, to highness
And honor the future by Egypt

The whole world is to save our Egypt, because ..
we put our country's sake first

My left-side has my heart
And my homeland is the heart of my right-side

Safety for you, O Egypt
And Peace, O my homeland

If the world threw their arrows [at you]
I will shield you by my heart
And be safe in all times

Transliteration : 
Eslami ya Misro ennani-l-fedaa

Thee yadi en maddate-l-donia yada

Abadan lan tastakeeni abada

Ennani arjo ma'a-l-yawme ghada

Wa ma'ee qalbi wa 'azmi lel-jehad

Wa le-qalbi ante ba'da-ddeene deen

Laki ya Misro-ssalaama

Wa salaaman ya belaadi

En rama-ddahro sehaamah

Attaqeeha be-fo'aadi

Wa-slami fee kolle heen

Ana Misrey banani man bana

Harama-ddahre allathee a'yaa-l-fanaa

Waqfato-l-ahraame feema bainana

Le-soloofe-ddahre waqfati ana

Fee defaa'ee wa jehaadi lel-belaad

La ameelo la amallo la aleen

Laki ya Misro-ssalaama

Wa salaaman ya belaadi

En rama-ddahro sehaamah

Attaqeeha be-fo'aadi

Wa-slami fee kolle heen

Waika ya man raama taqyeeda-l-falak

Ayyo najmen fe-ssamaa yakhda'o lak

Watano-l-horre saman la tomtalak

Wal-fata-l-horro be-ofqehe malak

La 'adaa ya arda Misren beki 'aad

Ennana doona hemaaki ajma'aeen

Laki ya Misro-ssalaama

Wa salaaman ya belaadi

En rama-ddahro sehaamah

Attaqeeha be-fo'aadi

Wa-slami fee kolle heen

Lel-'olaa abnaa'a Misren lel-'olaa

Wa be-Misren sharrefo-l-mostaqbala

Wa-fedan le-Misrena-ddonia falaa

Nada'o-l-awtaana ella awwala

Jaanebi-l-aisaro qalboho-l-fo'aad

Wa belaadi heya lee qalbi-l-yameen

Laki ya Misro-ssalaama

Wa salaaman ya belaadi

En rama-ddahro sehaamah

Attaqeeha be-fo'aadi

Wa-slami fee kolle heen
نص "اسْلَمِي يا مِصْرُ" نشيد مصر من 1923 إلى

(مصطفى صادق الرافعي )

اسْلَمِي يا مِصْرُ إنِّنَى الفداذِى يَدِى إنْ مَدَّتِ الدّنيا يدا
أبدًا لنْ تَسْتَكِينى أبداإنَّنى أَرْجُو مع اليومِ غَدَا
وَمَعى قلبى وعَزْمى للجِهَادولِقَلْبِى أنتِ بعدَ الدِّينِ دِيْن
لكِ يا مِصْرُ السلامةوسَلامًا يا بلادي
إنْ رَمَى الدهرُ سِهَامَهأتَّقِيها بفؤادى
واسْلَمِى في كُلِّ حين
أنا مِصْرِيٌّ بنانى من بنىهرمَ الدَّهرِ الذي أَعْيا الفنا
وَقْفَةُ الأهرامِ فيما بَيْنَنَالِصُروفِ الدَّهرِ وَقْفَتى أنا
في دِفَاعِى وجِهَادِى للبلادلا أَمِيلُ لا أَمَّلُّ لا أَلِيْن
لكِ يا مصرُ السَّلامةوسَلامًا يا بلادى
إنْ رَمَى الدهرُ سِهَامَهأتَّقِيها بفؤادى
واسْلَمِى في كُلِّ حين
وَيْكَ يا مَنْ رَامَ تَقْييدَ الفَلَكأىُّ نَجْمٍ في السَّما يَخْضَعُ لَك
وطنُ الْحُرِّ سَمًا لا تُمْتَلَكوالفتى الحرُّ بِأُفْقِهِ مَلَك
لا عَدَا يا أرضَ مِصْرٍ بِكى عَادإنَّنا دُونَ حِمَاكِى أجمعين
لكِ يا مصرُ السَّلامةوسلامًا يا بلادى
إنْ رَمَى الدهرُ سِهَامَهأتَّقِيها بفؤادى
واسْلَمِى في كُلِّ حين
للعُلا أبناءَ مِصْرٍ للعُلاوبِمِصْرٍ شَرِّفُوا المستقبلا
وَفِدًا لِمِصْرِنا الدُّنيا فلانَضَعُ الأَوْطَانَ إِلا أَوْلا
جَانِبى الأَيْسَرُ قَلْبُه الفُؤَادوبِلادِى هِيَ لِى قَلْبِى اليَمِين
لكِ يا مصرُ السَّلامةوسلامًا يا بلادى
إنْ رَمَى الدهرُ سِهَامَهأتَّقِيها بفؤادى
واسْلَمِى في كُلِّ حين


Source : 


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