
Showing posts from November, 2015

Ibn Zaydun's Poetry in Arabic Calligraphy

Ibn Zaydun's Poetry in Arabic Calligraphy :  "When you are absent, I cannot be consoled, but when you appear, all my troubles fly away, as If I have the whole humanity by my side"   "When you are absent, I cannot be consoled, but when you appear, all my troubles fly away, as If I have the whole humanity by my side" "When you are absent, I cannot be consoled"  

I Weep Over Syria - Cover

A sad song for the suffering of Syria.  

The Forgotten UDHR

The Forgotten Universal Declaration of Human Rights Eleanor Roosevelt with the Spanish version of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 1. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.   Article 2. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.   Article 3. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. ...

To My Beloved I Send A Greeting of Peace

A Beautiful Andalusian song with the rich voice of the Moroccan singer Samira Kadiri with Ensemble Arabesque. Here you can read the Lyrics of the song in Arabic: لِحَبِيبِي أرْسِلْ سَلامْ كُلَّ وَقْتٍ عَسَى يَجُودْ بِوِصَالِ الـمُسْتَهَامْ عَلَى رَغْمِ أنْفِ الحَسُودْ ونَقُولْ يَا بَدْرَ التمَامْ أنْتَ سُؤلِي بَيْنَ الوُجُودْ يَا غَزَالِي وَبُغْيَتِي قَدْ شُغِفْتُ بِذَا الغَرَامْ يَا مُنَائِي ورَاحَتِي مِنْ مُحِبَّكْ ألْف سَلامْ Tried my best to translate it: To my beloved I send a greeting of peace, All the time, maybe he will show me some kindness, By being with the one who got lost in you, despite those who envy you two.  And I keep saying oh full moon (my love) you're everything I want in this universe ...

I Conceal my Love ...... أخفي الهوى

Two songs based on an old mystic poem in Arabic. The poem is by Ibn Al-Farid  ( `Umar ibn `Alī ibn al-Fārid ) (1181–1235 CE) I conceal my love and yet my tears reveal it And I kill it, yet  my longing brings it back to life And the one torturing me out of loving him is of good character, graceful and beautiful in every way. His beauty is like the Surah of Joseph and my sadness is like his father's. If the lovers dismissed my deep love for you, then I'm love, its son & father. Here is another part of the same poem : I conceal my love and yet my tears reveal it And I kill it, yet  my longing brings it back to life And the one torturing me out of loving him is of good character, graceful and is beautiful in every way. Oh you who is burning with fire the face of the one who loves you, my tears will put the fire away. Burn with it my body and all of my senses, but take care of my heart because you reside in it. ...

Music of An Old Andalusian song

A Melody of an old Andalusian song called  Li Habibi Orsil Salam ( To my Beloved I send A Greeting of Peace ) لحبيبي أرسل سلام  

Peace - Salaam - سلام

A Beautiful song based on an Arabic poem from the 1920s by Ebrahim Hosny Mirza.   بعثنا مع النسيم سلاما للحبيب الجميل حيث أقاما وسمعنا الطيور في الروض تشدو فنقلنا عن الطيور كلاما خافقات تدق من ألم الوجد نشيدا فتحسن الأنغاما We sent with the breeze our greetings of peace To the beautiful loved one wherever he might be settled And we heard birds singing beautifully in the green lands By the bird's singing we are delivering a message of love and peace My heart beats with the pain of ecstacy Shaping them into songs of beautiful melodies  The Guitar & Bass Composing is by Mohab Omer. The vocal Composing, Oud playing and Singing are by Abdulrahman Mohammed.  

Qolt Lamma - An Old Song from Aleppo

An old poem from Aleppo,Syria. The lyrics and the original melody were composed by Omar Al Batsh back in 1947. Omar Al Batsh (1885-1950) الموشح هو من تلحين ونظم المرحوم الشيخ عمر البطش الحلبي My translation doesn't do it justice but I tried my best.     نظم الموشح :   قلت لما غاب عني .. نور مرآك المصون شفني والله سقم .. ....فيه قد ذقت المنون وعيوني من نحيبي ... جاريات كالعيون وجفوني ما كفاها ..... ما جرى حتى جفون هام قلبي زاد وجدي ... فمتى وصلك يكون   غاب عن عيني ضياها ... يا قمر دار العيون When I became apart from seeing the light of your beauty & grace, I swear to God I fell ill afterwards and almost tasted death My eyes out of crying over you were full of tears like water springs, till they withered. My heart got lost, my love for you is overwhelming, when would I be able to reach you ? Light has left my eyes, Light has left my eyes .... Oh beautiful moon ( my love ) hide your captivating charming eyes. ****...