
Showing posts from August, 2014

David Rovics - In one World

In one world In one village In one home Let us live together :) David Rovics - In one World  

I Wish I Had Two Hearts

لو كانَ لي قلبان لعشت بواحدٍ وأفردتُ قلباً في هواكَ يُعذَّبُ لكنَّ لي قلباً تّمَلكَهُ الهَوى لا العَيشُ يحلُو لَهُ ولا الموتُ يَقْرَبُ كَعُصفُورةٍ في كفِّ طفلٍ يُهِينُها تُعَانِي عَذابَ المَوتِ والطِفلُ يلعبُ فلا الطفل ذو عقلٍ يرِقُّ لِحالِها ولا الطّيرُ مَطلُوقُ الجنَاحَينِ فيذهبُ - قيس بن الملوح If I had two hearts I'd live with one of them and let the other to be tortured by your love but I only have one heart owned by love Neither pleased by living nor that death is near like a little bird in the hands of a child insulting it suffering from the torment of death while the child plays neither is the child's aware of its suffering Nor the wings of the Bird are free, that it can fly - Qays Ibn Al Mulawwah This is a 1300 year old Arabic love poem.

O’ Thou who is Utterly Just

يا عادلا في حكمه لا يظلم . برح الخفا كم ذا نجن ونكتم. يا سامع الأصوات إن لم تستجب. من يستجيب لنا سواك ويرحم. ... يا من مقاليد الأمور بكفه. عطفا فأنت بحال عبدك أعلم.     Here is a quick translation of those Arabic Poetry verses:   Oh the most fair one in his judgement, who never commits injustice The truth is clear yet so many try to silence it ........ Oh the one who hears our voices, If you don't respond to us, Who else would listen? & show us mercy? Oh the one who is in his hand the control of everything, Shower us with your kindness cause you know best what your slave is going through.......         This short yet beautiful poem is by a Yemeni poet named  Hasan Ibn Ali Ibn jaber ( 1638-1668 )   Tried my best to translate it but many things get lost in the translation  :)   Came across those beautiful verses by chance...