
Showing posts from 2013

Justice ...... A Just Ruler Is in The Shade of The Throne of God

Justice ........... a basic right that was granted to humanity by the creator of the heavens and the Earth yet it became a LONG  lost  privilege that every single person is craving . Prophet Mohammad PBUH emphasised how Allah values a just ruler when he said : “There are seven whom Allah will shade in His Shade on the Day when there is no shade except His Shade: a just ruler; a youth who grew up in the worship of Allah, the Mighty and Majestic; a man whose heart is attached to the mosques; two men who love each other for Allah's sake, meeting for that and parting upon that; a man who is called by a woman of beauty and position [for illegal intercourse], but be says: 'I fear Allaah'; a man who gives in charity and hides it, such that his left hand does not know what his right hand gives in charity; and a man who remembered Allaah in private and so his eyes shed tears.” [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim] Read more:

Muhammad (PBUH) The Human Being Part 1

Get to know the man i love :) MUHAMMAD, peace be upon him, was born On Monday, the twelfth day of  the  month  of Rabi al-Awwal in the year 570 A.D in the city of Makkah (Mecca). Muhammad's full name was " Abu Al-Qasim, Muhammad Ibn Abdallah Ibn Abd Al-Muttalib Ibn Hashim. " which means  ( The father of Al -Qasim, Muhammad son of Abdullah son of  Abd Al-Muttalib son of Hashim ) He was the last prophet of the religion of   Islam . His name, Muhammad means " the praised one " . When 'Abd al-Muttalib told the leaders of Quraysh what he had named his grandson, many of them asked, 'Why did you not choose the sort of name that is used by our people?' At once he replied, 'I want him to be praised by Allah in the heavens and praised by men on earth. Muhammad's father, Abdallah, died several weeks before his birth and his mother, Aminah, died when he was six years old. In keeping with Meccan tradition Aminah entrusted her s...

One Big Family ..........

In the month of Ramadan the month of generosity people offer food to their brothers & sisters driving down the roads, so that  they can break their fast, so that generous man was distributing food & one of the brothers refused his offer, he said " i don't need that food cause i am not fasting, i am not a Muslim i am a Christian " . The generous man who was distributing the food to his fasting brothers & siters said " Well, i am a Christian too "   I love How  Ramadan  brings us all closer to one another :)  I can't wait for the coming Ramadan <3 In the January 25 revolution in Egypt, Christians would pour water for their Muslim brothers to make ablution & perform prayer . Then the Christians would hold hands & surround the Muslims while they pray acting as human shields to protect them  . The Muslims would do the same too & surround their fellow Christians as they recite their prayers to protect them...

A lovely Song : Every Time Is Egypt's Time

God has chosen Egypt for us And he has chosen us for her So Caring about her is just like  an act of worship And  anybody who becomes cheap in spending his life for her let him learn from the hero who sacrificed for her safety Day After day more people are looking at Egypt We are the ones that should understand her the best My blood is boiling just like a Volcanic lava cause i am in deep love with her and i am a very jealous lover My son who died for her  begged me to take care of her Every time is Egypt's time And we strengthen her  more and more Every eye is wide awake and all of us are loyal to her We were born on human nature that we love our homeland Egypt's soul is living in our bodies And it is everlasting in us till the end of time on the day of Judgement. Egyptians whether they are  Muslims or Christians it doesn't  really matter Whenever any of them would need a helping hand he would get 100 hands instead H...

I Came to Know Love ........ عرفت الهوى

  A beautiful poem written by Rabia al-Adawiyya (also known by Rabia Basri), and sang in the melodious voice of  Othman Al Rashidi. Its is a unique love song for the true love of her life, her creator Almighty God . Artist: عثمان الرشيدي (Othman Al rashidi) Song: عرفت الهوى (I came to know love...)            عرفت الهوى من عرفت هواك        و أغلقت قلبي عمن عداك        و قمت أناجيك يا من ترى        خفايا القلوب و لسنا نراك        أحبك حبين     حب الهوى و حبا لأنك أهل لذاك        فأما الذي هو الحب الهوى فشغلي بذكرك عمن سواك          و أما الذي أنت أهل له         فكشفك لي الحجب حتى أراك      فلا الحمد في ........ يا مولاي...... ذا و لا ذاك لي ...

Surah 17 Al-Isra Mesmerizing Recitation

Surah Al-Isra (The Night Journey) the 17th chapter of the Holy Quran. With truth have We sent it down, and with truth hath it descended. And We have sent thee as naught else save a bearer of good tidings and a warner. Quran (17:105) The previous verse in Arabic Calligraphy  

قلبي في جنه عينيك My Heart Ponders The Paradise in Your Eyes

  English Translation of the Lyrics : My heart ponders the paradise in your eyes, Not knowing what I should do  – should I smile or weep? From my exile I came, longing for you. Wandering around, like a child, looking for you. Looking for a mother to embrace me, Saving me from the thorns in the field. Being away from you has wearied me. Hoping to find a window, To look out upon you once in a while. Your lovers are so many, m’lady, For you, they would do anything to be with you. And here I stay, in my lonely exile, drowning in confusion and doubt. I wish, even in my dreams, to meet your parents and ask them for you. I adore you…was I right to love you so much? Or did I wrong and hurt you? You are the love of my life, You are the love of my life. I feel like a king when I am with you. Whenever you call my heart, late in the night, I come to you at once. And would the lover give any response other than answering your call. Your eyes are warm seas,...

Learn Surah Ad-Duha Transliteration & Translation

Ad-Duha ( The Forenoon) is the 93rd chapter of the Quran. 1. By the forenoon (after sun-rise); 2. And by the night when it is still (or darkens); 3. Your Lord (O Muhammad ( )) has neither forsaken you nor hated you. 4. And indeed the Hereafter is better for you than the present (life of this world). 5. And verily, your Lord will give you (all i.e. good) so that you shall be well-pleased. 6. Did He not find you (O Muhammad ( )) an orphan and gave you a refuge? 7. And He found you unaware (of the Qur'an, its legal laws, and Prophethood, etc.) and guided you? 8. And He found you poor, and made you rich (selfsufficient with selfcontentment, etc.)? 9. Therefore, treat not the orphan with oppression, 10. And repulse not the beggar; 11. And proclaim the Grace of your Lord (i.e. the Prophethood and all other Graces).


"We have not sent down to you the Qur'an that you be distressed " Quran (20:2) Among the subjects treated in this Chapter of the Quran  are God's call of Moses (Quran 20:10), the Exodus of the Israelites and the crossing of the Red Sea (20:77), the worship of the Golden Calf (20:88) and the Fall of Man (20:120). This is the Sura that let Umar Ibn Al-Khattab be converted to Islam. The full Chapter with  Recitation, English translation & transliteration can be found here

The Decision

If you were him, what would you decide ?!   If you want money, we will collect enough money for you . If you want leadership, we will take you as our leader . If you want a kingdom, we will crown you king over us ............... A deputation  of Quraish leaders was sent to  the uncle of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, his name was Abu Talib . They demanded that Abu Talib should either persuade his nephew to desist from his mission or hand him over to suffer the extreme penalty or be prepared to fight the whole tribe. Finding the odds too heavy against him, Abu Talib said to the Holy Prophet:   "O son! Do not put such a burden on my shoulders which I am unable to bear."   The Prophet's reply to his uncle gives an indication of his indomitable will, his profound trust in God and confidence in his Mission.  he said (to his uncle) :    "Even if they place the sun in my right-hand, and the moon in my left-hand in return ...

The Message

A Message that changed the face of the Earth (Arabic: الرسالة ‎ Ar-Risalah ; U.S. title: The Message ) is a 1976 film directed by Moustapha Akkad chronicling the life and times of Muhammad, the prophet of Islam. Released in both Arabic and English, Mohammad, Messenger of God serves as an introduction to early Islamic history.    

Do Not Oppress One Another

Allah has forbidden oppression for Himself and His creatures Abu Dharr reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, said   “ O my servants, I have forbidden oppression for Myself and have made it forbidden among you, so do not oppress one another. O my servants, all of you are astray except for those I have guided, so seek guidance of Me and I shall guide you. O my servants, all of you are hungry except for those I have fed, so seek food of Me and I shall feed you. O my servants, all of you are naked except for those I have clothed, so seek clothing of Me and I shall clothe you. O My servants, you sin by night and by day, and I forgive all sins, so seek forgiveness of Me and I shall forgive you. O my servants, you will not attain harming Me so as to harm Me, and you will not attain benefiting Me so as to benefit Me. O my servants, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you and the jinn of y...

Imagine If London Was Occupied by Israel


The Lion of The Desert

  A Story of A Freedon Fighter       Omar Mukhtar (In Arabic : عمر المختار Omar Al-Mukhtār ) (20 August 1858 – September 16, 1931), of the Mnifa, was born in the small village of Janzour, near Tobruk in eastern Barqa (Cyrenaica) in Libya. Beginning in 1912, he organized and, for nearly twenty years, led native resistance to Italian colonization of Libya. Italian armed forces captured and hanged him in 1931. Cinema historian Stuart Galbraith IV writes about the movie: " A fascinating look inside a facet of Arab culture profoundly significant yet virtually unknown outside North Africa and the Arab world. 'Lion of the Desert' is a Spartacus-style, David vs. Goliath tale that deserves more respect than it has to date. It's not a great film, but by the end it becomes a compelling one. " Lion of the Desert roars for Libya's rebels

Salam Ya Balady - Lyrics

  Oh my homeland Oh my homeland Here are my friends Here are my loved ones Here is my beloved who had knocked on my door Here is my sun Here is my moon Here is my Nile and here is my pyramid Here is my father and here is my mother Here is my honor and here is my blood Here is my country and here were my forefathers And here shall be my grandchildren Here was my past and here are my nights And here is a memory that is mine And peace (goodbye ) My country peace be to you I will return to you, no doubt about that Filled with longing to you & dreams Oh my homeland Oh my Homeland Peace (goodbye) Peace (goodbye)     Thanks to the Egyptian youths & martyrs who waked the nation up 2 years ago in the January 25 2011 revolution Alexandria, Egypt  No one can understand those words excpet for those who experienced how it feels to be away from your homeland & that you can't wait ti...

Egypt 100 years ago

Egypt about 100 years ago    

Once upon a night - في ليله من الليالي

    Once upon a night في ليلة من الليالي    في ليلة من الليالي .. لست أدري ما اعتراني ظلمةٌ تغمرني يا رب الأرض ضاقت والسماء .. وقلبي ما عرف الضياء والدمع بات يبكي يا إلهي عصيت والذنب كبير .. وإني في حزني أسير مقيد بالذنب يا رب فهل يستحق يا .. إلهي العفو مجرماً مقرٌّ بالذنوب يا إلهي أنت الذي خلقتني ... رحمتني ورزقتني دوماً يا رب قد كنت معي لكنني نأيت عنك .. نسيت ما قد كان لك وسرت في طريقي يا إلهي واليوم يا رب أعود .. من ظلمة خلف الحدود فالقلب منكسر وطرفي حائر وأنا الغريق فلا أرى .. إلا سواك لي منقذاً لا منجى ولا منجى إلا أنت يا إلهي  

Faces from Palestine

  A land without a people right ?!  

Ramadan ( Arabic, French and English version )

"O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous." Quran  (  2:183 )   

Not Just A Memory

Shepherds & a schoolmaster, w/ their "flocks," outside the Church of All Nations, Gethsemane. Christian Palestinians representing a cross-section of ages and professions. Picking Jaffa's oranges. Staff and students of the Christian Orthodox Girls' School in Beit Jala (near Bethlehem), 1906 .     Girl Guides of the Government Girls' School in Nazareth, 1940.       Students of the National Christian Orthodox School, Jaffa, 1938.     Wolf Cubs/Boy Scouts Jaffa '24.     Izzat Tannous(left), became a medical doctor & a Rep of the Palestine Arab Higher Committee in UN General Assembly       The Jerusalem Girls' College. The majority of the student body was Palestinian, both Christian and Muslim.       Boarders at Schmidt Girls' College in the orange orchards of Jericho 1947. A prominent Muslim family, Jaffa, mid-I920s.   ...

And I know

And I Know You Forgive My Sins و أعلم أنك تغفر ذنبي       و أعلم أنك تغفر ذنبي .. و أعلم أنك تستر عيبي و لكنني نادمٌ يا إلهي .. أكاد انوح بحسرات قلبي ... و كم ذا تمنيت ألا أقول بنجواي يوماً : عصيتك ربي !! و يسجد دمعي و يروي الثرى ... وتضرع روحي لـرب الورى عبيداً عصاك .. وها قد دعاك .. بدمع الأسى خده عُفّرا بدمع الأسى خده عُفّرا .. فإن ما عصيتُ .. فـها قد أتيت بقلبٍ حزين .. ودمع جرى و إن ما غفوتُ .. فإني صحوت و من خاف أدلج عند السرى ومن خاف ادلج عند السرى And I know you forgive my sins And I know you conceal my defects But I am remorseful my Lord I am almost wailing because of my regrets How I wish I never whispered to you one day.. "I disobeyed you my Lord" My tears fall And my soul submit to the Lord of creation Your slave has disobeyed you But now he calls you and tears has wet his cheek And if I sinned then here I am With saddened heart and fallen tears And if I was heedless then I am awake now And the one who fears, will walk...

Yes There Must Be Love

      نعم لابد من حب Yes There Must Be Love       The Prophet Muhammad, pbuh, said: "When a man loves his brother, he should tell him that he loves him." [Abu Daawood and At-Tirmithi]      In another Hadeeth , he said: " By Him in Whose Hand my soul is, you will not enter Paradise unless you believe, and you will not believe unless you love each other.Should I direct you to something that if you constantly did it, you would love each other? Spread the greetings of peace among you."  [Muslim]    

Muhammad Son of Abdullah ................ the Human Being

He was not a king, nor was he an emperor . He was a humble human being that would take the torn shoes of the poor people & fix  them for them. He would sit down & eat with servants, he would accept the invitation even if it was from the poorest person on earth . One day the Prophet stood up as a funeral procession passed. A companion said that the funeral was for a non-Muslim and that the dead person was a Jew. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) informed those there that death should be contemplated, that regardless of who the dead person was he was still a human being and that it was necessary to show respect.  This is one of Prophet Muhammad's acts of behavior that has no equal in history. For there is no other example of a prophet of one religion standing up out of respect for the funeral of someone not of his religion just because that person was a human being, as he respected the human beings regardless of their beliefs . If he was prostrating in prayer & h...