
Ibn Hazm Explaining Love

  Here is my humble Translation of a few lines from his famous book, The Ring of the Dove: The beginning of love is joking, and the end of it is serious. Its meanings are too majestic and as a result very hard to be described, its truth is only realised through suffering it, and it is not frowned upon in religion, nor is it prohibited in Sharia, because hearts are in the hands of God Almighty.

Qays & Layla

أمر على الديــــــار ديار ليـلى ... أقبل ذا الـــــــجدار وذا الجـدارا وما حب الديار شـــــغفن قلبي ... ولكن حب من ســـــــكن الديارا “ I pass by these dwellings, The dwellings of Layla And I kiss this wall and that wall ... It’s not Love of the walls that has enraptured my heart But of the One who lives within them ” - Qays Ibn Al Mulawwah (645 - 688 CE)  


 This poetry verse is from Sudan Here is my humble Translation :  Swords in their covers are considered harmless But the sword of your eyes is lethaly sharp in both cases. ~ Idrees Mohammed Jamma'

Majnoon Layla

A lovely poem by a renowned Arab poet  Enjoy    Due to my love for you, Layla, I have become famous And everyone knows what I'm going through I am so ill because of being madly in love  What man is safe from the agony of separation? It took nothing but a single gaze from you,  For blazing fires to start in my heart  Don’t kill me by turning away and abandoning me!  People like you Layla have compassion and show mercy  By God I love you and I suffer… I melt with desire and keep it all to myself  Fearful of a slanderer, a spy, or an envious cad,  Telling people what they are unaware of. ~ Qays ibn Al Mulawwah (645 - 688) My humble attempt to translate it to English 

الحب كما وصفه جبران

 البعض نحبهم لكن لا نقترب منهم...فهم في البعد أحلى وهم في البعد أرقى...وهم في البعد أغلى البعض نحبهم ونسعى كي نقترب منهم ونتقاسم تفاصيل الحياة معهم ويؤلمنا الابتعاد عنهم ويصعب علينا تصوّر الحياة حين تخلو منهم. البعض نحبّهم ونتمنى أن نعيش حكاية جميلة معهم ونفتعل الصدف لكي نلتقي بهم ونختلق الأسباب كي نراهم ونعيش في الخيال أكثر من الواقع معهم البعض نحبهم بيننا و بين أنفسنا نصمت برغم الألم لا نجاهر بحبهم حتى لهم لأن العواقب مخيفه و من الأفضل لنا و لهم أن تبقى الأبواب مغلقة البعض نحبهم فنملأ الأرض بحبهم و نحدث الدنيا عنهم و نحتاج إلى وجودهم..كالماء..والهواء و نختنق فى غيابهم أو الأبتعاد عنهم البعض نحبّهم لأننا لا نجد سواهم وحاجتنا إلى الحب تدفعنا نحوهم فالأيام تمضي والعمر ينقضي والزمن لا يقف ويرعبنا بأن نبقى بلا رفيق البعض نحبهم لأن مثلهم لا يستحق سوى الحب ولا نملك أمامهم سوى أن نحب نرمم معهم أشياء كثيرة نعيد طلاء الحياة ونسعى صادقين كي نمنحهم بعض السعادة البعض نحبهم و لا نجد صدى للحب في قلوبهم فننهار ونتخبط في حكايات فاشلة فلا نكرههم لا ننساهم لا نحب سواهم ونعود نبكيهم بعد كل محاولة فا...

Why Do We Still Call It Palestine?

Why do many Arabs still call Israel 'the occupation', or simply, 'Palestine'??? Call it Israel if you wish, its name to many of the regular people in Arab count ries in the MENA region, is the illegally occupied "Palestine". You're most welcome to call me and my people (Semites) anti-Semites for standing up for what is rightfully a Palestinian land. Despite the fact that our chicken Arab leaders calling the Zionist state, a friend, to us it's called the occupation. Just like we used to call the French & British rule over our countries,occupation, Israel is not different. It's far worse, cause the amount of lying & misinformation is doubled or tripled in its case. And when it bombs civilians under the watch of the international community, leaders of the world's biggest "democracies" come out and lecture us about how the state of Israel, the biggest bully in the Middle East, has the right to defend itself, and if you dare sp...


Hazy Most of the photos she took of her friends were hazy, because she always laughed while capturing them. Most of the pictures she drew were not colored, because she wanted her loved one to color them with her. Most of the nights she woke up worried, because he was working till a late hour. Most of the days she looked tired, because she was nursing her newborn twins. Most of the time she felt cold, because she was not used to the freezing cold weather of Europe. She came from a warmer place, a place she called home. She had to leave it because war tore it apart. She embarked on an uncertain fate to save her little family. She knew how to swim, which saved her, unlike her sisters. She left her homeland hoping for a better future. She heard racist slurs on her way to pick up her eldest son from school. She was denied a job because she wore a headscarf. She worked as a freelance photographer, but once she took pictures of a group friends, it reminded her of h...