Why Do We Still Call It Palestine?
Why do many Arabs still call Israel 'the occupation', or simply, 'Palestine'??? Call it Israel if you wish, its name to many of the regular people in Arab count ries in the MENA region, is the illegally occupied "Palestine". You're most welcome to call me and my people (Semites) anti-Semites for standing up for what is rightfully a Palestinian land. Despite the fact that our chicken Arab leaders calling the Zionist state, a friend, to us it's called the occupation. Just like we used to call the French & British rule over our countries,occupation, Israel is not different. It's far worse, cause the amount of lying & misinformation is doubled or tripled in its case. And when it bombs civilians under the watch of the international community, leaders of the world's biggest "democracies" come out and lecture us about how the state of Israel, the biggest bully in the Middle East, has the right to defend itself, and if you dare sp...